Friday, March 23, 2007

Family n Friends........

Been a while since I've written especially abt family n friends.

My sis will be in town for the weekend but i don't think she's have much free time - another classmate wedding so the entire jingbang will be in the city for the event.

Mom n Dad were with us during the start of the week. A week that has been vague really - finding out abt my father-in-laws illness and then all the running arnd to get the tests done, collecting report and meeting specialists has not been easy. But being busy has helped Mithru, doesn't leave much time to think really.
That's the dismal bit!

Suni has chopped off all of tht lovely hair but the new look suits her well :) Need to ask Tom wot he thinks of it - rather wot him mom thinks of its :)

Kas has been her usual self and not kept in touch - Kas if you read this - BIG hint *nudge nudge* But i know that she's got some looming deadlines and with the team being wat it is, she's under loads of pressure. Relax a big lady, the world won't fall apart if you take a breather.

Gai has been - bemused for lack of a better word. Work has not been too easy but tat's the same sad story for all of us. Her migraines have been acting up something fierce and with hardly any time to herself, the going has been rocky the past few days.

Mathu celebrated her 2nd wedding anniversary in style - a day with Danesh and Teju by the beach and pool. The best way to beat the heat! Teju had a ball with all the water around and the proud parents enjoyed themselves watching their little imp. Oh yeah and Mathu is in the 'Bestest Daughter-in-law' mode for the present. Atta Girl!!! You can show 'em all.

Karuna has been ............. the past few weeks but Manav keeps her sane and stable :) She's tired with the current stagnation and needs to get out of the lull but the tide is yet to turn in her favor. Hold on girl, things are bound to change :)

Julie has become 'Chef extraordinaire' ! A bit lonely but she'll find a way to keep herself busy and we're all there for her, so she just needs to get on gtalk or the group to find company really. Fingers crossed that you'll find a job soon!

More in next!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


An awesome video lifted off a friends blog - just had to - Thanks Adi!

The recent family wedding

Ajay n Nee's wedding went well. A rush trip for all of us and since we barely spent any time in VJWD - it didn;t quite feel like an Andhra wedding - with all the do's n don't etc but it went well!!

Ajay managed to get away with wearing a kurta -pyjama set, set my husbands ears to steaming (hee hee) - He was forced to wear a panchi - Andhra style over his trousers :)) Supposed to be the only thing he remembers of our wedding. Anyways the whole ceremony went well - lunch with the family, evening functions with band baajja and wedding at a God awful hour of 1.30 AM. Ofcourse that was just the beginning - the whole ceremony was done by 4 AM and we had to rush bak - train to catch at 5.30.

The mid-week reception in Blore went well too - shopping spree in the morn and then the guys went out to get some stuff - got caught in the usual traffic snarl and winded up several hours later :) My husband n I swore off Blore again but with my sis and BIL relocating there, we're bound to head thataway!

Pix of the wedding attached.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Actually one post i've been wanting to but never got around to - X'mas at the office!
All had an awesome time, 2 days of no work - team entirely busy in creating and spreading the Christmas cheer :)

Mathu n team recreated the Promised Land, our bay was the Santa's Workshop with the ceiling-high pile of gift, Pranav's was a Zen Christmas, and Adi's was the Live Christmas (see pix). With hardly any money spent, the whole team managed to pull it off excellently and everyone enjoyed. Ofcourse we only ended up with the best floor prize. Sales grabbed the best bay, and QA had an awesome one with eggs used for snowmen- it was highly creative but a small mishap in terms of a minor fire due to a faulty cracker candle :)

The evening was fun - exchanged gifts for the Chris friend game, followed by singing and some random entertainment but yea the floor decoration was FUN!

Ages once again

As usual - haven't had the time for blogging and finally decided that i had to get to it. The past few weeks have been eventful - work has grown (that's an understatement - if ever!) Organisationally a lot of changes - Kalai moved out, Ravin moved in and now Maddy moving out. Teams are growing, some shrinking :) My Program Management activities are shaping up finally. Ofcourse albeit snails pace still but i was expecting that - so no big surprise there.

The girlfriends met up for a session yesterday and hopefully its done loads of good for all involved. Women's day at work was celebrated with a luncheon at Towers. Was too many of us to really but we had fun with Gai's lil' angel.

Valentine's was uneventful really, infact the B'day and Anniversary were too but that's ok, we were not planning on anythin' extravagant. We were all in Yercaud for the 2nd Jan and enjoyed ourselves with the short break. Lovely climate as usual.

Last weekend at Gai's was fun, noon till nite at her place, sumptuous lunch, walk by the Puzhal Dam and then 'Lee' to wind the day. The movie was ok - nice start and middle, a bit of a let down towards the end.

M n me were trying to watch Thimuru but seems to be entirely jinxed - i think it was the 3rd CD were trying to see but couldn't get thru the whole movie -kept skipping and finally got stuck.

No telugu movies seen recently - nothing in the way of a recent hit anyways.

Oy yeah another cousin married in Feb - wedding in VJWD and reception in B'lore. Was nice n we all had a great time. We went bonkers at Chikpet shopping for sarees.

Hmmm guess that about sums up all that's been happening, more in the next installment