Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The recent family wedding

Ajay n Nee's wedding went well. A rush trip for all of us and since we barely spent any time in VJWD - it didn;t quite feel like an Andhra wedding - with all the do's n don't etc but it went well!!

Ajay managed to get away with wearing a kurta -pyjama set, set my husbands ears to steaming (hee hee) - He was forced to wear a panchi - Andhra style over his trousers :)) Supposed to be the only thing he remembers of our wedding. Anyways the whole ceremony went well - lunch with the family, evening functions with band baajja and wedding at a God awful hour of 1.30 AM. Ofcourse that was just the beginning - the whole ceremony was done by 4 AM and we had to rush bak - train to catch at 5.30.

The mid-week reception in Blore went well too - shopping spree in the morn and then the guys went out to get some stuff - got caught in the usual traffic snarl and winded up several hours later :) My husband n I swore off Blore again but with my sis and BIL relocating there, we're bound to head thataway!

Pix of the wedding attached.

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